Evolving Together: Reinventing Togetherness at Converteo

Article HR Marque Employeur 23.07.2024
Par Clarisse Cortés

At Converteo, rapid growth, internationalization, and consequently, the ability to adapt are at the heart of our dynamics. With an average of six recruitments per month, we are constantly welcoming new talent. We spend time working on-site with our clients while maintaining maximum flexibility regarding remote work, so everyone can organize themselves to ensure a balance between their professional and personal lives.

This joyful hustle presents challenges: ensuring cohesion and team spirit. It is crucial to create bridges and connections to avoid feeling lost and to feel supported. Converteo provides its employees with stable reference points and shared moments so that they never feel isolated and can always reconnect.

How can we ensure that smiles continue to emerge at the coffee machine? How can we make sure that our neighbor to the right on Monday morning is not a complete stranger? How do we maintain our culture and identity as we grow rapidly?

We spoke with Thomas Gervasoni, senior consultant and member of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) at Converteo, who shares in this article how the firm successfully (re)creates moments of togetherness.

Multiple Rhythms, One Guiding Thread

Stops for Everyone to Reconnect

In a context where, apart from time spent with clients, remote work is very flexible and widespread within the firm, management has created “practice days.” Thomas explains: “As a senior consultant, I know that on Thursdays, all members of my practice are encouraged to come to the Converteo offices to strengthen team spirit and cohesion.” Additionally, each practice has its own rituals: “In my practice, we have ‘All Hands’ gatherings several times a year. These are meetings where we share best practices and the latest updates, followed by dinner together.”

Converteo also organizes three half-day seminars per year and one major two-day seminar. These are significant moments for all employees, providing a unique opportunity to come together in a different setting. Participating in these seminars is like navigating a via ferrata: each team member is connected to others by a safety cable, and while everyone can progress at their own pace, these moments help tighten bonds and ensure that no one falls behind.

Furthermore, during these seminars, employees are relieved of their client assignments. Thomas confirms: “This is a significant measure taken by Converteo to ensure that everyone can be physically present at these important events.”

Tailored Paths for Everyone!

It is important to cater to all tastes. We strive to diversify our offerings and schedule activities at different times of the day, allowing everyone to participate according to their personal constraints, especially parents and consultants with client commitments.

Thomas Gervasoni, Senior Consultant

For example, Converteo, through CSR initiatives, offers activities to promote exchange: zero-waste DIY workshops that allow everyone to learn about ecological and sustainable practices, screenings of engaging films to raise awareness about current societal and environmental issues, and monthly collective sophrology workshops organized by the CSE to promote relaxation and strengthen daily harmony and cohesion… the options are wide-ranging. “I particularly enjoyed the screening of the film Hors Normes because we had some truly interesting discussions afterward with all the participants,” shares Thomas.

Additionally, to encourage informal moments of exchange, which are essential for cohesion and networking, the firm organizes monthly afterworks, and the CSE offers around ten sports and cultural events each year, ranging from painting workshops and wine tastings to kids’ parties, basketball tournaments, and Comedy Club nights in Converteo’s premises. Employees can gather based on their shared passions.

Moreover, the Vendredi platform allows employees to engage together with an association for a day. This creates strong bonds for a good cause. “Last winter, a small group of employees synchronized to participate in the large food collection for Restaurants du Cœur, for example!” recounts Thomas. Opportunities for engagement abound, including meal distribution, personalized support for individuals in difficulty, and participation in clean walks.

Managers as Guides to Cohesion from the First Steps at Converteo

Managers play a key role in promoting a friendly corporate culture. At Converteo, managers have what are called “mentees.” Here, there is no civil baptism or familial link, but rather a mentoring role. Every employee has a mentor who serves as a reference point and a companion throughout their professional journey at Converteo. The role of the mentor goes beyond classic support and demonstrates a deep commitment to each employee, as each mentor actively engages their group of mentees through various events and informal moments.

“As a mentor, I try to build a cohesive and supportive network of mentees. They feel they belong to a small team. This is especially important when they are working at their client’s site during the week,” recounts Thomas. His next action? To take advantage of the solidarity day offered by Converteo and spend a day at an association with his five mentees!

Thomas also explains that integrating new employees is a crucial challenge for Converteo, given the high recruitment volume. To facilitate exchanges, Converteo introduces each newcomer with a brief presentation detailing their past experiences as well as their hobbies and passions. This helps break the ice and initiate discussion topics at the coffee machine or during lunch breaks. Indeed, Thomas nostalgically remembers:

A week after I arrived, I was invited to a basketball game because I mentioned being passionate about the sport. Added to the dedicated Slack channel for basketball during the day, I was able to play right from my first week, even with one of the founders! The ice was broken.

Thomas Gervasoni, Senior Consultant

”Even while on-site with the client or working from home, I don’t lose the connection.”

Thomas affirme : “La messagerie interne Slack est socle pour nous . Cela va au-delà de la simple communication : Slack nous permet de cultiver une véritable culture d’entraide et de collaboration, permettant à chaque collaborateur de rester connecté et soutenu.” Des channels de “communauté d’expertise” ont été créés et sont au cœur du fonctionnement de Converteo : chacun peut poser ses questions, ou partager des éléments de veille utiles à tous. Même chez leur client, les collaborateurs savent qu’ils peuvent bénéficier de l’expertise et de l’aide de l’ensemble de leurs collègues.

Le channel Slack préféré de Thomas ? (après #sport-basketball bien sûr). Le channel #ki-ka-deja-fe-koi qui permet aux collaborateurs de s’appuyer sur le savoir-faire du collectif pour demander des conseils ou de l’aide sur un sujet précis.

Enfin, une fois la période d’onboarding passée, les parrains et les filleuls continuent d’échanger au moins une fois par mois. Cela est d’autant plus important lorsqu’il s’agit de missions en régie. Ce point est une sorte de “checkpoint” qui permet de s’assurer que le moral des troupes est toujours au beau fixe.

Thomas states: “The internal messaging platform Slack is a cornerstone for us. It goes beyond simple communication: Slack allows us to cultivate a true culture of mutual support and collaboration, enabling every employee to stay connected and supported.” “Community of expertise” channels have been created and are central to Converteo’s operations: everyone can ask questions or share useful insights. Even when working with a client, employees know they can rely on the expertise and help of all their colleagues.

Thomas’s favorite Slack channel? (after #sport-basketball, of course). The channel #ki-ka-deja-fe-koi, which allows employees to draw on the collective knowledge to seek advice or assistance on a specific topic.

Finally, once the onboarding period is over, mentors and mentees continue to interact at least once a month. This is especially important for on-site missions. This meeting serves as a sort of “checkpoint” to ensure that team morale remains high.

Converteo is committed to creating a work environment where everyone feels fully integrated and valued. In addition to having attractive and friendly offices that allow employees to always enjoy reconnecting with their colleagues, Converteo has embedded regular initiatives and rituals into its culture that are not merely moments of relaxation. They are opportunities to strengthen cohesion and team spirit.

Thomas concludes, “We don’t want to fall into an impersonal culture! One of Converteo’s strengths is maintaining a spirit of simplicity and friendliness despite growth and the challenges inherent in the consulting world.”

Does the experience of teamwork at Converteo appeal to you? We look forward to chatting with you at the coffee machine!

Par Clarisse Cortés

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