CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)

Conversion optimization is about instilling a specific data approach at each stage of the design and life of a digital product.

Contact Us
  • Conduct of conversion audits
  • Optimize your performance with A/B Testing
  • Set up of CRO units

Conduct of conversion audits

We tackle your conversion issues through a comprehensive audit of the digital devices offered to your users.

The goal is to deliver a route and interface optimization plan as well as an A/B test roadmap over a 3-12 month period to gain incremental conversion rate points.

We proceed according to an iterative "intuition/induction/validation" approach by bringing successively each data source where it is the strongest (web analysis, user tests, customer surveys, A/B testing, etc.)

Optimize your performance with A/B Testing

We support you in the framing and deployment of continuous improvement processes for your digital journeys, in agile mode.

  • Definition of A/B testing / customization strategies and the measurement strategy
  • Help in choosing solutions
  • Design of variants
  • Settings & configuration
  • Performance monitoring
  • In-house CRO unit.

Set up of CRO units

We help you speed up the implementation of a sustainable and scalable CRO approach within your organization, through a tiered approach.

  • Assessment of the maturity of your teams & processes in order to determine the changes and reinforcements to be made
  • Deployment of tailor-made methodologies while building on our experience and proven best practices
  • Facilitation of an internal community to involve and generate the support of all the teams contributing to this fundamentally multidisciplinary approach
  • Operation and delivery of use cases generating short-term gains to embed initiatives in a winning dynamic
  • Transfer of knowledge with the aim of increasing in-housing

Our resources: CRO

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