Dashboarding and attribution

The increased investment in digital channels is partly explained by targeting capabilities but also by measurement possibilities that make it possible to manage and optimize media investments.

With increasingly partial data, it is necessary to redesign your measurement strategy (indicators, tools, processes) to maintain effective management.

We help our clients adapt to the cookieless context and to continue to define KPIs to manage their activations. 

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Dashboarding Offre Converteo - Nous vous accompagnons pour mettre en place des dashboards permettant à vos équipes de piloter les investissements media
  • Media campaign measurement strategy
  • Media campaign performance analysis
  • Media channel allocation studies
  • Deployment of media analysis tools

Media campaign measurement strategy

The ongoing disappearance of cookies and legal decisions have a very strong impact on the KPIs usually used to measure your campaigns (cost per conversion, ROI, etc.).

This is an opportunity to redefine your measurement strategy:

  • What indicators should I use to measure my campaigns?
  • What tools should be used to collect these indicators?
  • What processes & organization allow effective follow-up of my investments?

Media campaign performance analysis

What would be a good level of CPC? Is the CPC a good indicator? Did your campaign work well? Could it have been more efficient?

Our consultants are certified to use BI tools and/or media purchasing platforms. They will help you interpret the right management indicators and produce finely-tuned analyses on your activations in order to identify optimizations.

Media channel allocation studies

If you want to go beyond the last click attribution model where the last lever wins everything, we can help you.

Whether for transactional sales or complex sales issues, for B2B or B2C, we are able to roll out attribution and contribution studies either starting from raw data or by deploying ad hoc solutions. You will be able to better assess the contribution of different channels to your industry, you will be able to better understand your customers’ journeys and the role of each channel.

Deployment of media analysis tools

To save time interpreting your results, we can help you automate your analyses by deploying the right dashboards or attribution tool:

  • Framing, via a precise definition of the KPIs to be followed and their format
  • Implementation, via the collection & structuring of data in your environment
  • Deployment of specific attribution solutions if required by your business model (complex sales)
  • Training & usage, via business and technical workshops in order to be autonomous

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