

Company website: http://www.converteo.com/

CONVERTEO – Siren 499 582 948 – 40 avenue des terroirs de France – 75012 PARIS

Publication Director: Raphaël Fétique

Site manager: Thomas Faivre-Duboz

The CONVERTEO trademark has been registered with the INPI.

Technical implementation

CONVERTEO – 40 avenue des terroirs de France – 75012 PARIS – Tel: +33 1 84 16 06 60


OVH – 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – France

Processing of personal data and rights of access, modification and deletion

Any personal data that may be collected on the website is used only for the purposes of managing requests and statistics within CONVERTEO.

In accordance with Article 34 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you, and have the right to object to the subsequent use of this data.

You can claim this right by contacting CONVERTEO, 40 avenue des terroirs de France – 75012 PARIS.

Email: contact@converteo.com


This entire website is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property law. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for downloadable documents and illustrations and photographs.

Photographs, text, logos, icons, as well as any intellectual work on this website, are the property of CONVERTEO or third parties having authorised CONVERTEO to use them. Reproductions of all or part of this website in hard or soft copy form are authorized only for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. These reproductions must clearly and legibly mention the source and the author of the website. Under no circumstances may these reproductions damage the rights of the authors.

All other uses are subject to the express authorization of the publication director.

Establishment of links

CONVERTEO authorises the establishment of a hypertext link for all websites, excluding those spreading information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or pages that may offend the majority of people. Unless specifically authorized, the established link must appear in a new window and the pages of the http://www.converteo.com/ website must not be integrated into the pages of another website.

CONVERTEO reserves the right to post links to third party websites. The target websites are not the responsibility of CONVERTEO. The target websites are not under the control of CONVERTEO which is not responsible for the content of said websites, the links they contain or any changes or updates made thereto.

Gender equality index: 2021 score

CONVERTEO publishes its gender equality at work index

As of March 1, 2020, companies with more than 50 employees are required to publish an index on professional equality between women and men. If the company obtains less than 75 points out of 100, it must implement corrective measures to reach at least 75 points, within 3 years.

As such, CONVERTEO is evaluated on the following 4 indicators and obtained the score of 81/100 for 2021:

Average pay gap between women and men (out of 40 points): 36/40

Individual pay rise gaps (out of 35 points): 25/35

Pay rise for employees after returning from maternity leave (out of 15 points): not assessable

Breakdown of the 10 highest salaries by gender (out of 10 points): 5/10

CONVERTEO is committed to perfect gender equality. Corrective measures are being implemented on an ongoing basis.