Vanessa, Converteo alumni, between world tour and career change

Article HR Marque Employeur 08.11.2023
Par Clarisse Cortés

Vanessa, a Converteo alumni, is now an experienced recruiter. Her career path has been anything but conventional. From digital marketing to recruitment, with a one-year world tour in between, let us share her story.


Converteo, It’s Only a Goodbye!

The story between Vanessa and Converteo began with an acquisition. In 2015, Converteo, a pioneer in data consulting in France, with just under thirty employees at the time, acquired Adversitement, a French subsidiary of a Dutch group. Vanessa found herself at Converteo somewhat by chance, taking on a role as a pre-sales consultant—a first at Converteo!

After seven years of navigating between Adversitement and Converteo in the digital world, Vanessa felt a desire, a need, to reinvent herself. She made a decision that would mark a turning point: leaving her position and setting off on a year-long world tour. She explains, “It was the end of a cycle. I needed time for myself, to pause and reflect. It only took one encounter with a traveling friend, and I dared to take the plunge.” What Vanessa didn’t know at the time was that it was only a goodbye!

As a fun fact, the day before she embarked on her grand adventure, Converteo signed the first contract with a prospect she had been working on for almost seven years! A true testament to perseverance. Vanessa could begin her journey with a sense of pride.


11 Months, 13 Countries, and a New Career Path

For Vanessa, “Traveling is about discovering something new, but most importantly, it’s about discovering yourself.”

During her journey, a project for a career change gradually took shape through encounters and moments of introspection. Vanessa wanted to reinvent herself, but by building on what she did best: understanding needs, listening, and being responsive. She envisioned herself as a recruiter! She recalls, “The market was shifting at that time. Companies were starting to talk about the candidate experience and employer branding. There was a re-evaluation of practices, and that made me want to contribute.”

Upon returning to France, Vanessa wasted no time. She joined a franchise and became an independent recruiter, still driven by her need for freedom. Over several years, she learned the trade and trained in recruitment.


“I left Converteo when there were 70 employees; we were 150 when I returned!”

Vanessa’s desire to explore all facets of recruitment led her to move away from her freelance status and join a company. Converteo was continuing its growth, and Vanessa kept track of its progress, even when she was traveling on the other side of the globe. She stayed connected through newsletters, LinkedIn updates, and regular news from former colleagues—she didn’t miss a beat! The values of Converteo perfectly aligned with what she wanted: to offer candidates a transparent recruitment experience based on trust and connection with recruiters, who were themselves seen as true partners within the company.

Vanessa reconnected. She reached out to the HR Director, talked with former colleagues, and after a few discussions, she was back as a recruitment officer to support the firm’s growth. “I received a warm welcome; it was great to see how everyone had evolved. I was starting a new job, but it felt like coming home. I was very comfortable!” Vanessa recalls.


“I feel fully legitimate as a recruiter.”

This rich journey, her bold choices, and insatiable curiosity have made our former alumna a well-rounded and passionate recruiter.

Vanessa shares: “Converteo allowed me to really understand the roles I was recruiting for. I’m more precise in my mission, and I feel fully legitimate as a recruiter.” She adds, “The consulting world especially trained me in methodology and structure, so I easily understand how a position fits into an organization.”

Beyond technical skills, Vanessa also gained valuable connections and a lot of learning: “It’s a great school—if you’re curious and eager to learn, you’ll find your place. The consultants have a real impact on the strategy and success of their clients’ development. If you’re looking for a simple execution role, Converteo isn’t the right environment!”

Her world tour also brought its share of learning and anecdotes: “I’m much less anxious now. When you’re traveling, and a bus is supposed to arrive but never does… it teaches you to put things into perspective.”

Today, Vanessa continues to feed her thirst for adventure, having settled in Palma de Mallorca, where she works as a freelance recruiter for Mojo, a rapidly growing app for creating and animating social media stories.


We wish her the best of luck in her ongoing career, and who knows, maybe we’ll see her again soon?


Par Clarisse Cortés

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