Setting up an agile organization & supporting transformation

Implementing agility within organizations is a real challenge. It is not only a question of accompanying employees in new working methods and new jobs, but also of correctly applying the principles of agility to get the maximum value out of it.

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Nous vous accompagnons à mettre en place une organisation agile au sein de vos équipes pour développer une efficacité à l'atteinte des objectifs.
  • Activate the Agile method within your organization
  • Support your team in its Agile transformation

Activate the Agile method within your organization

We support our clients in organizational transformation. Our recommendations are both strategic and operational, so that your teams can easily plan their implementation.

We recommend to our clients the most relevant agile organization according to many criteria such as their sector of activity, the size of their workforce, their business model, their current needs...

Support your team in its Agile transformation

Moving to an agile organization implies strong changes, not only organizational, but also cultural, and requires the training of all teams involved. Thanks to our agile coaches, we accompany our customers on a smooth implementation of agility within their teams.

Our resources: Set up an agile organization & support transformation

To activate a RCU, it must first be understood as a Data Product

Why the RCU must be considered a product in its own right to fulfill its promises.

The discipline of experimentation in the era of Product Management

Our experts examine the role of data and experimentation in product discovery.

Product Management: the (urgent) importance of realigning with the economic reality of businesses!

The success of a product relies not only on user adoption but also on the ability to make it financially and operationally relevant.

Product Management Data & AI: what missions, what profiles, what particularities?

David Spire, Partner of the Product Practice at Converteo, and Hervé Guignot, who leads the development of Data and AI Products at Decathlon
Le product management à l’ère de la data et de l’IA par David Spire & Jeremie Levy - Converteo - Conseil Data & Product Management

Product Management in the Era of Data and AI

David and Jérémie discuss the reasons that led Converteo to launch this new venture and outline the vision the firm aims to bring to the market.

L’IA Agentique : Une révolution technologique imminente qui redéfinit l’entreprise

Implementing Consent Mode at L’Oréal, a solution to reconcile customer experience and privacy

L’Oréal leverages Google’s Consent Mode to balance privacy compliance and data performance using user consent and probabilistic modeling.

How video redefines the online shopping experience and boosts the performance of e-commerce sites?

The use of videos in e-commerce has become essential. Consumers favor this format, considering it a preferred way to explore products and services.
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